Green Center
Excerpts from Ghost Towns of Noble County - by T.C. Holcomb
Green Center, which still has a store, is only a ghost of its former self.
Aug. 13, 1874 -- We enjoyed a ride through south Jefferson, and a portion of Green Township last week with Sheriff Hough. We found Green Center quite a village. 0. H. Andrews has a neat establishment where he keeps a general stock of dry goods, groceries and notions. Silas Moore, in connection with his wagon shop keeps on hand a good stock of ready-made coffins, and other cabinet stock. and there is a large blacksmith shop where the best of work is done. The schoolhouse is a large handsome building, and was well filled with "young ideas," under the instruction of Miss Ellen Whan.
Green Center is really an attractive little place, and is becoming the center of considerable business. Green Center Post Office was established Jan. 1, 1870 and discontinued Jan. 31, 1903. Silas Moore was the first Postnaster. The Green Center Post Office was robbed of about $25.00 in July, 1888.
The Green Center Church was dedicated June 27, 1909, by Dr. H. H. Fout, of Dayton,O.
Nov. 1875 – A Green Center correspondent says -- A great many readers don't know there is such a town as Green Center. It contains one store, blacksmith shop, paint shop, a schoolhouse and two physicians; Aldrich and Griser.
In the horse and buggy days of rural mail carrying, Nathan Hathaway rural carrier, stopped at Green Center to feed his horse and eat his cold lunch, in the store operated by M. Shamhaugh, each week day. Leitch, Moore, Russell, Kesling, Pippenger Addis, Skeels, Heltzel, Diller and Stanley are among the early family names.