Abrams, Leora C., wife of Sylvester
Abrams, Sylvester
Adams, Lemuel
Adams, Mary Ann, wife of Sylvester Adams
Adams, Mary L., wife of David Adams
Adams, Sylvester S.
Agee, Harriett, wife of James O.
Alexander, James D.
Anderson, Alonzo
Anspaugh, Emanuel J.
Avery, Andrew Jackson
Baad, Mary A., wife of Christian
Bachelor, Martha, widow
Banta, John D.
Barcus, Elnora, wife of Rufus
Barhydt, Geo. W.
Barnhart, Martha, wife of Geo. W. Barnhart
Batchelder, Ivory A.
Baugher, Mary E. H., widow of Francis Baugher
Beam, Sarah Mrs., wife of Henry C. Beam
Bear, Solomon
Becker, Chaucey A.
Beers, Thomas Henry
Beezley, Isaac P.
Belts, George W.
Belts, Margaret E., wife of Geo. W.
Bender, David
Bender, Mary, wife of David
Benfer, Jacob F.
Benjamin, Mary, widow of Abraham
Benner, Libbie, wife of E. Benner
Bethel, Benjamin F.
Bethel, Loran Mrs, wife of Loren Bethel
Bickel, Jacob
Billings, James M.
Bills, Caroline, widow of Joseph Bills
Bills, Joseph
Bittings, Joseph
Bittings, Katherine, wife of Joseph
Blackman, Sylvester
Blackwell, Harrison
Boate, William J.
Bortner, Henry S.
Boszor, Rhenamah, widow of Lafayette Boszor
Bower, Lyman
Bowman, Nancy, widow of Noah W. Bowman
Bowman, Noah W.
Boyd, David A.
Boyer, Frederick
Braden Samuel
Brothwell, Maggie W., widow of Geo. T.
Brunheimer, Julia A., wife of Aaron Brunheimer
Brynan, Joseph
Buffenbarger, Geo. W.
Burnworth, George W.
Butts, Leah, wife of Thos. S.
Butts, Thomas S.
Cahrier, Mary J., wife of Wm.
Caldwell, Harry
Camp, James H.
Carr, Angeline
Carr, Sarah A
Carter, Agnes, wife of James M.
Casey, John
Cass, Hanna
Cass, Patrick
Cassey, Catherine J., wife of John
Castator, Jackson
Chiddister, Malinda, wife of Nathaniel Chiddister
Chiddister, Nathaniel
Clay, Benjamin F.
Cline, Lovina, wife of Calab E.
Clingerman, Frederick (wife)
Clingerman, Matilda wife of John Clingerman
Clouse, David
Coe, Harrison
Collins, Isabel, wife of Chas.
Compton, Anna Mrs., widow of Chas. D. Compton
Conklin, David
Conner, Elmira P., widow of Gideon Conner
Cook, Isiah
Cookingham, Mary C., wife of Chester G.
Coon, Rebeka, wife of W. A. Coon
Coon, Washington A.
Cooper, John C.
Cowley, Buel W.
Cress, Daniel
Cress, Thresa A., wife of Daniel
Crispell, Wm.
Cruthers, Mary E, widow of John E. Young
Culver, James H.
Culver, Martha C., wife of James H. Culver
Davis, Jacob M.
Debruler, Joseph H.
Deems, Samuel
Dice, Chauncey B.
Dice, Emma Alice, wife of Chauncey B. Dice
Dickes, Thomas S.
Dingman, Silas S.
Disbrow, Fanny, wife of Lauren D. Disbrow
Dolan, James
Dolan, Patrick
Dunbar, Joseph
Earle, William
Eddy, Samuel
Edsall, Benj. T.
Edsall, Benj. T. Mrs.
Edwards, Marion
Ellis, Eliza L., wife of (crossed out)
Ellis, Milton (crossed out)
Ellsworth, Chas. B., wife Agnes
Emmit, Hannah M. wife of George W. Emmit
Emmit, Samuel
Enos, Wm. L.
Favinger, Catherine, wife of John, dec'd
Favinger, Jacob
Favinger, John
Feebles, George
Feightner, Margaret, wife of Jacob
Fenton, Wm.
Ferguson, Alma, wife of Henry W.
Ferguson, George
Fetters, Emily J., wife of Wm. Fetters
Field, Aaron
Field, Nancy Mrs., wife of Aaron Field
Fike, James
Fike, Sarah Jane, wife of James Fike
Fisher, Abram S.
Fisher, Chas. N.
Fisher, Sarah, wife of Abram S. Fisher
Fitzpatrick, Patrick
Flowers, George W.
Forker, Samuel
Forker, Sarah A., wife of Samuel Forker, deceased
Freedline, William
Friend, David
Friend, Hannah wife of David Friend, d.
Friend, Henry
Friend, Rachel, wife of Henry Friend
Gaff, John H.
Gaff, Sarah A.
Gale, James C.
Gillespie, David S.
Gindlesparger, Wm.
Girten, Isaac W.
Givens, Alexander S.
Graumlish, Jacob
Graves, Martha A., wife of James
Greene, John E.
Gretzinger, Andrew
Grimes, Michael
Gunder, George
Gunnet, Mary W., wife of Andrew
Gunnett, Andrew
Habecker, Louis
Haid, John (listed 2 times)
Hall, John David
Hall, Susan, widow of John S. Hall
Hamlin, Franklin
Hammel, Sarah Ann, wife of Jas. Hammel
Hardenbrook, Margaret, wife of Freeman Hardenbrook
Hardendorf, Myron E.
Harman, Michael
Harsh, Joseph W.
Hart, James
Hart, Mathew S.
Hauger, John
Hays, John D.
Heltzel, Alvina
Herron, Jerome
Hewitt, Oscar B.
Hile, Ezekiel
Hill, Amanda, wife of Luke
Hiner, David
Hinkley, Oscar, Jenevieve
Hinman, Robert A.
Hire, Eli
Hite, George W.
Hoke, Hiram
Holcomb, Rachel, widow of Henry P.
Hoover, Samuel C.
Hosler, John
Hulburt, Edwin
Hunter, James H.
Hursey, John H.
Hursey, Sarah, wife of Frank M. Hursey
Inks, John F. Mrs.
Isbell, Mary Mrs.
Jerraid, Mary Catherine, widow of William Jerraid
Johnson Wm.
Johnson, Aramantha H.
Johnson, Hulda, wife of John Holder Johnson
Johnson, James
Johnson, Thos. J.
Johnson, William
Johnson, William P.
Johnsonbaugh, Eliza L. Ellis, wife of John H. Johnsonbaugh
Jones, Benj. F.
Jones, John
Jones, Zachariah
Kammerer, Louisa, wife of George
Keller, Julius Hyman
Kellner, Tobias
Kepford, Susannah, wife of a Mr. Clark
Kiblinger, Ira
Kiblinger, Mary Ellen Mrs., wife of Frank P.
Kiblinger, Sarah Jane
Kimmell, John H.
King, Christian W.
King, Franklin
King, Richard R.
Kitson, Alfred Mrs.
Klick, Louisa Brown, widow of H. W. Klick
Kline, Caleb E.
Kline, Jacob
Klotz, Jacob
Klotz, Joseph B.
Klotz, Mary A.
Knight, James L.
Knight, Susanna, wife of William
Knight, William (ifo for Susanna Knight, wife)
Knight, Wm. L.
Knippner, Catherine wife of Frank Knippner
Kranz, Emanuel F.
Kunce, Henry H.
Lane Elizabeth, wife of Josiah
Lane, John B.
Lane, Josiah
Larimer, Geo. S.
Lash, James J. Mrs.
Lash, Nancy Coyle, widow of John Lash
Leming, Adeline E., widow of Asa Leming
Lewis, Angeline, wife of Chas. H. Lewis
Lewis, Thos. S., Mrs, widow
Lewis, Vannellia Mrs., wife of James M.
Linn, John C.
Lint, William
Lobdell, Luman
Long, Jacob
Long, Noah
Lozier, Helen F. wife of John S.
Luttman, Rebecca Mrs., widow of Martin Luttman
Lutts, Anna, widow of Wm. Lutts
Lutts, Wm.
Mac Donald, Isabel, widow of John W.
Mackey, Sarah, wife of James H.
Marshall, Thomas R., Mrs. (listed with "MC")
Mason, John A.
Matthews, E. W.
Matthews, James H.
Mawhorter, Aaron E.
Mawhorter, James
Mawhorter, Rebecca A., widow of Aaron (listed with "M")
Mawhorter, Rebecca, widow of Aaron E. (listed with "MC)
Mayfield, Samuel
McClure, Andrew J. (listed with "M")
McKinney, Willard
Mead, Menton
Menter, Peter
Meroney, Isaac
Milks, Charles
Miller, Catharine
Miller, Catherine
Miller, Emanuel C.
Miller, George W.
Miller, Henry C.
Miller, Isaac
Miller, Jacob M.
Miller, Jeremiah L.
Miller, John W.
Miller, Mary, widow
Miller, Mrs., wife of Eli
Mohn, widow of Jacob
Moore, Robert
Moor, Elnor, wife of Davis S.
Morris, Pyrena, wife of Oliver
Morrison, John L.
Morrow, Arthur
Mulholland, Letitia Mrs. widow of James Mulholland
Mullen, Burilla M., widow (listed with "MC")
Mullen, Chas. W.
Mullen, Thomas B.
Mullin, John W.
Musser Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Musser
Myers, Jesse D.
Myers, Wm. P.
Nelson, David L.
Nelson, Mary Mangus, wife of Comodore Perry Nelson
Nelson, Mary, wife of Comodore Perry Nelson
Nesbit, Isaac
Newman, Edward
Nickerson, Benjamin
Nicodemus, Jerrie
Nonde, Joseph W.
Nott, Richard
Nulf, Eliza Ann, wife of Levi
Oliver, Margaret widow of George Oliver
Palmer, Philip
Palmer, W. W.
Parker, John
Parker, Wm.
Patten, Elizabeth, widow of Samuel
Pattison, Clara, wife of Wm. S.
Patton, James S.
Patton, Samuel
Pepple, Albert
Phillips, James M.
Pierson, Aaron E.
Pierson, Martha Ann, wife of James M.
Pilgrim, Daniel
Pippinger, Ephraim
Poorman, Margret Mrs., wife of A. J. Poorman
Potts, Joseph S.
Pressler, Henry C.
Price, James
Prickett, Jacob P.
Prickett, John Tyler
Prickett, Louisa
Prickett, Sarah, wife of Jacob
Probst, David
Probst, Ruth, widow of David Probst
Quinn, Catherine, wife of Othamiel
Raber, Carrie R., wife of
Randoll, Henry
Reed, Henry D.
Reed, Hiram
Reed, Mary, wife of Enos
Reed, Rollin
Regan, William C.
Regula, Peter and Harriet A.
Rice, Marlin Mrs., widow
Richards, Marcus D.
Robbins, Charles C.
Rodman, Sarah J. Mrs., widow of Alexander
Romans, Mary A., wife of Robert B.
Roush, Daniel
Ruple, Aaron
Ruse, John H.
Ryan, Alice N., wife of James Ryan
Ryan, James Q.
Schenher, Margurite, widow of John P.
Schlabach, Mary Ann, widow of Henry
Schlotter, Joseph
Schlotterback, Henry
Schlotterback, E. L.
Schmidt, John (listed on the page with "H")
Schoff, David A.
Scott, Abraham
Seaburg, Chas. M.
Seaburg, Cynthia
Sellars, Franklin
Sexton, Philander W.
Shambaugh, Margaret
Shamberger, Hettle, wife of Vernon Shamberger
Sharp, Catharine, widow
Shauck, Jacob H.
Shawver, Wm.
Shell, Isaac
Shell, Isaac Mrs (Isaac Shell)
Shisler, Frederick
Simmons, Elizabeth, wife of Jonathan
Simmons, Jonathan
Simon, Christopher C.
Smith, Henry P.
Snur, David C.
Sowers, Philip
Spaero, John
Squires, Elizabeth, widow of John W. Squires
Stage, DeWitt Clinton
Stage, Mary E., wife of Clinton
Stansbury, Herbert
Sticht, Chas.
Stigner, Chas. W.
Strayer, Jane Mrs.
Streely, Fredrick
Stricker, Eliza, wife of Franklin
Stricker, Franklin
Strunk, Elizabeth, wife Wm.
Strunk, William
Summers, Solomon
Sutherland, Columbus
Swank, Susanna, wife of Wm. J.
Swank, Wm. Jefferson
Sweet, Nancy, wife of Josua Sweet
Symond, Charles
Talbert, Wm.
Taylor, Catherine E., wife of James B.
Taylor, John L.
Teagarden, Ezekiel L.
Teagarden, Permelia, widow of Ezekiel Teagarden
Thomas, Chas. W.
Thompson, Hiram
Thompson, Sarah, wife of Hiram
Todd, Martin V.
Tranberger, John W.
Tresh, Isaac
Trump, William
Ueber, Ludwig
Vallance, William H.
Vanaman, Francis
Voris, Elizabeth A., Mrs.
Voris, William N.
Wagoner, Jasper
Walburn, W. widow of
Walters, George I.
Wertsbaugh, Samuel L.
Whitbeck, Anna, wife of
Whitbeck, Luther W. Mrs.
Whiteman, Elizabeth
Wilhelm, Aaron
Wilhelm, Kate, widow of Aaron Whihelm
Wilkins, John F.
Wilks, wife of Christian
Williams, Richard
Willits, Allen H.
Wilson, Wm. G.
Winebrenner Alexander
Winebrenner, Amanda
Winebrenner, Christopher
Winebrenner, David H.
Winebrenner, Elizabeth, widow of James
Winebrenner, Jacob
Winebrenner, Martin
Wingfield, Wm., wife Susan
Wolf, Charles S.
Wolf, Henry
Wright, Almira, wife of Samuel
Wright, John B.
Wygant, Cahterine, Mrs. E. L. Wygant
Wyland, Jeremiah S.
Yoder, Susan, wife of Henry M.
Yonker, Abner
Yonker, Maggie, wife of George
Youngkin, Eliza Mrs., widow of Jerome Youngkin
Zern, William H.
Zimmerman, Joseph A.