1890 Newspaper Clippings


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At his residence near Wawaka,
Jan. 14, 1890
William Golden,
aged 78 years, 7 months, and 21 days.
born in Pennsylvania, May 23, 1811
parents were William and Prudence Golden
mother dying in Pennsylvania and the
father dying in Ohio
1847...settled in Orange township
removing to Elkhart township
March 8, 1836... marriage to Miss Elizabeth Parks,
a native of Kentucky,
daughter of James and Susannah Parks
ten children, five sons and five daughters
united with the Wawaka Freewill Baptist Church
funeral...at Springfield in the F. B. church
pastor, Rev. T. J. Mawhorter, assisted by
Rev. D. A. Tucker, State Evangelist, and
Rev. W. E. McCarthy and
J. M. Deweese, of the M. E. church
laid him to rest...Springfield cemetery
leaves to mourn...
aged companion...more than a help-mate
two sons, two daughters, their grandchildren

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At the Presbyterian parsonage, Albion
Jan. 15, 1890, by Rev. M. M. Marshall,
Mr. Owen J. Black and
Miss Lilla Kunkle, all of Albion
Junior member of the firm of Black & Bro. at Albion
one of the substantial young business men

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January 27th, 1890,
at the residence of Wm. Vondersmith,
Mrs. Esther A. Stage, aged about 59 years
wife of the late Warren Stage
half-sister of A. L. and William Parsons
funeral...at the house...by Rev. Barr
laid at rest...Ligonier cemetery

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at the residence of U. R. Treash
Jan. 28, 1890,
Mr. Isaac Evans; aged 56 years and 16 days
born in Summit county, Ohio, Jan. 12, 1834
1870...to Ligonier
to LaGrange
funeral...from the Treash residence
Interment in the Ligonier cemetery

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