1920s Newspaper Clippings
December 1920
Prominent Citizen of Albion Summoned
Albion, Ind. Dec. 1, 1920--- Nathaniel P. Eagles aged 95, Albion’s oldest citizen died Saturday. Death was due to complications incident to senility. Until recently he had been very active despite his advanced age, and a year ago took up the task of trimming the trees at his home.
He came to Noble county in 1837 with his parents, locating in Sparta Twp. In early life he taught school in the winter and cleared land in the summer. In 1847 he was united in marriage to Miss Harriet Frink who died in 1887. To this union eight children were born, all of whom survive.
In 1874 he was elected sheriff of Noble county on the democratic ticket serving two terms, and later he engaged in the lumber business at Albion.
The funeral services were held at 1:00 pm today from the residence. Interment Indian Village.
March 1923
Obituary of Mrs. William C. More
Francis Adalaide More, daughter of John N. and Rebecca Foote, was born in Brainbridge, Ohio on the 8th day of Dec. 1842, and died at her home in York Twp. Noble Co., Ind., on the 20th day of March 1923, aged eighty years, three months and twelve days.
She was one of a family of eight children, seven girls and one boy, her six sisters preceded her in death.
In May, 1853, she moved with her parents to Noble county, Ind., taking up their residence in York Township, near the then Co. seat.
She was married Dec. 24, 1867, to Wm. C. More, with whom she lived in wedlock for more than fifty-five years. To this union five children were born, three of whom, Lulu Black, Effie and Leo died before their mother.
She leaves in deep sorrow her husband, two sons, Forrest A. More and Otto L. More, three grandchildren, Marie Mae, Glendon, and Donald Black, an only brother, John C. Foote, many nephews, nieces, and other relatives.
In all her remarkable life of more than fifty-five years of wedlock, she never laid aside her household duties because of sickness and continued the management of her home up to within two or three days of her death, having visited in the home of a friend and neighbor, William R. Cole, but a few days before.
In her home she was the fulfillment of a wife and mother, her hands never weary in doing for her loved ones, and always a welcome smile and open door for her relatives and friends. She was an active member of the M.E. Aid Society of Wolf Lake for many years and also a member of Wolf Lake Temple of Pythian sisiters.
November 1925
Obituary of P. A. Sunday
P. A. Sunday, a native of Ashland Co., Ohio, was born Feb, 18, 1839: died in Albion, Ind., Nov. 24, 1925, aged 86 years 9 Mo. and 6 days.
He was but 13 years old when he left the parental roof and began an apprentice at harness-making in Lagrange, Ind. He learned the business and worked and worked as a journeyman until his coming to Albion, Nov. 8, 1864.
He was united in marriage on Mar. 13, 1862, at Lagrange, with Miss Lucretia E. Gamire. There were no children born to this union, but they reared to manhood a Bro. of Mrs. Sunday, H. G. Garmire.
Mr. Sunday comes from a state productive of great and useful men. Each calling or business, if honorable, has its place in the scheme of human existence, constituting a past of the plan whereby life’s methods are pursued when man reaches his ultimate destimony. The importance of each is largely determined by its usefulness.
He was one of Albion’s leading business men, successful, honest and a useful citizen.
In politics, he was an uncompromising democrat, but never sought public office, He was Albion’s first city marshal, which position he held two terms.
While Mrs. Sunday lived, they were identified with the St. Mark’s evangelical Lutheran Churxch of Albion.
(Mr. Sunday lived in the brick house on S. side of E. Main st. where Chas. Elser now owns and lives. 1980)
Obituary of Gottlieb Schwab
Gottlieb Schwab-Son of John and Anna Schwab, was born in Benne, Switzerland, 1844 and died in Albion, 1926, age 81. At the age of 21, he came to U. S. locating in Wawaka, where he lived until 1887, when he came to Albion.
He married Nancy Jane Hersey, in 1868. They had 5 children, Frances Beck and Clarence preceded him in death. Mrs. Schwab died in 1902. In 1907 he marred Isadora Bales.
When a boy he became a member of the Reformed church in Switzerland. He was the oldest business man in Albion, being the shoe man. Funeral services were conducted in the home of his son Dale, by Rev. H. C. Cleckner and Rev. Hockstedler.
December 1928
Obituary of Timothy Ralihan
Albion, Dec 24, 1928- Timothy Ralihan, 82, a veteran of the Civil War and well known pioneer resident of Albion, died last night at the Garrett Hospital following an illness of several months. He is survived by the widow, a daughter, Mrs. A. C. Hess of Chicago, and a son Chas. of Albion. Funeral services will be held at the Wesleyan Methodist church at 2:00 p.m. Wed. Burial in Albion cemetery.
July 1929
Obituary of Charles Clapp
Charles Clapp was born in Albion, Dec. 3, 1855, and died at his summer home near Nevis, Minn., July 2, 1929, aged 73 years, 6 Mo. and 29 days.
He married Flora Belle Woodruff Nov. 10, 1873. To their union three children were born. Dr. Fred R. Clapp of South Bend, Ind.; Inez, who died in infancy and Mrs. H. D. Thomas of Albion. He is also survived by his wife, one granddaughter, Mrs. Don E. Metz, of Bowling Green, Ohio and one sister, Mrs. T. A. Starr of Goshen, Ind.
While a young man he engaged in the banking business in Albion as an associate of his father, Judge Wm. M. Clapp, and a few years later, upon the death of his father, assumed full charge of the business. At the age of 53 he retired from the active management of the business but continued to serve for many years as president and as a member of the Board of directors, finally resigning these positions also to make way for younger men. During his business career he was active not only in looking after his own affairs but those of the business with which he was connected, but also in advancing the interest of his town and community.
Charles Clapp was a good citizen, a true friend, a helpful neighbor and a loving husband and father. He will live long in the memory, respect and appreciation of those who had the privilege of knowing him in these relationships. He was often spoken of by the younger business men of the community as Daddy Clapp. One of these men suggested the following lines written by Carleton Nelson which may be applied to Mr. Clapp;
Never had much style about him, never cared for dress
Sorto’ spent his life sowin’ seeds of happiness
Doin’ little things for others, helpin’ where he could,
Nevr makin’ much pretention, always doin’ good
Home, for him was all for livin’ filled his heart with pride
And his doors were ever open, latchstrings hung outside.
Folks who came were always welcome, loved to have them round
Wanted much of joy and laughter, seemed to love the sound.
Had his cares and had his troubles, same as all of us;
Figured them a part of livin’, never made much fuss;
Made the best of all God gave him, as through life he went,
Ever toiling, giving, taking, kind, and provident
Vain the tribute we would pay him, words cannot express
What it meant to have him with us and our thankfulness;
Sweet the memory he has left us, though our hearts are sad;
Great the blessing that was given, just to call him DAD.