1930s Newspaper Clippings
April 1930
Obituary of Dr. Woodward Hays
Albion April 20, 1930—Woodward Hays, 47, a prominent physician of Noble county, was found dead in his home at 6 o’clock this a.m. by his sister, Miss Olive Hays with whom he had made his home here. His death was termed as accidental through self-administration of an overdose of medicine, according to H. P. Shew, county coroner, who conducted an inquest in the case today.
County coroner Shew said that Dr. Hays h ad been accustomed to the use of drugs for some time and that no reasons could be set forth for a suicide theory. Miss Hays told the coroner that when she left the home Sat night at 9:30, the doctor was lying on his bed fully attired. When she returned this morning he was still lying on his bed and had been dead for some time. Dr. Hays was born in Albion. After graduating from the Rush Medical College, Chicago, he returned here, where he began practicing medicine with his father, Dr. John W. Hays. His father has been dead for several years. Dr. Hays was a member of the Masonic Lodge, the Noble County Medical Association and the Albion Methodist church. Surviving are two sisters, Miss Olive Hays, and Mrs. Edna Kopezyinski, of Boston, Mass., and two children at Ann Arbor, Michigan.
September 1931
Col. Simon Ward Dies
Albion man was Civil War Veteran
Albion, Sept. 30, 1931. Col. Simon T. Ward, 88, veteran of the Civil war, died late Tues night at his home here. He had been in ill health several years. Death was due to senility.
Col Ward had lived in Albion more than 50 years and was widely known as a businessman. He is survived by a grandson, Sergt. Paul Al. Ward of Ft. Trotten N.Y., and many nieces and nephews in this vicinity.
Funeral services will be held at the home at 1:30 p.m., Friday. Rev. B.D. Nusewander of the M. E. church officiating. There will be Masonic services. Burial will be in Sweet cemetery.
October 1931
Obituary of Dr. John H. Ravenscroft
Albion, Oct. 12, 1931-Dr. John H. Ravenscroft, 57, prominent physician of E. Main St., this city (or was it S. Orange?) died at 1:30 p.m. today at Methodist Hospital, Ft. Wayne, after a few days serious illness, although he had been in ill health several months.
In the 15 years he resided here Dr. Ravenscroft became widely and favorably known. He was president of the Albion Board of Health and Sec. of the Noble Co. Board of Health. He was a member of the Noble County Medical Society, Northeastern Indiana Academy of Medicine, Ind. Medical Association and American Medical Association. He was also a member of the Masonic Lodge here.
Dr. Ravenscroft was a graduate of the John Hopkins School of Medicine at Baltimore, Md. It is expected the body will be returned to that state for burial.
Surviving are his wife and two daughters, Mrs. Howard Ripple of Toledo and Mrs. Hershey Kuhn of Huntington; two sons, Lionel and Philip, at home and a brother, Carl, of Albion.
(Dr. Ravenscroft lost the sight of one eye while in the service of his country during the Spanish Am. War)
Additional-Masonic funeral services were held at the house at 3:00 p.m., Wed. The local lodge and Rev. B. F. Richer were in charge. The body was shipped to Md. Where funeral services and burial will be held at Westernport.
Mrs. Ravenscroft, her two sons and two daughters accompanied the body, leaving here at 12:30 a.m. Thursday.
March 1932
Obituary of Carl Hardenbrook
Son of Solomon and Hannah Palmer Hardenbrook, was born Aug. 26, 1877 in Albion. He was the youngest of 5 children born to this union. The father, mother and a sister Ada, preceded him in death.
He married Otelia Magnuson in 1903, and to them were given 7 children, 4 daughters, Mrs. Helen Murray, of Albion, and Evelyn, Ave, and Phylllis at home; and 3 sons, Alan of Albion and Ivan and Dallas at home. They with their mother survive him.
He heard his country’s call for the Spanish Am. War, enlisted in Co. L 157th Ind. Volunteers and serving until the end of the war. He was a member of Ferguson Camp, NO. 26 Spanish Am. War Veterans, and of the Odd Fellow and Masonic orders.
Growing to manhood in Albion, he entered the mercantile business in 1899 as a clerk for the firm of Schloss Bros. and became a member of The Ackerman Mercantile Co. who succeeded them. For several years he served as Town Clerk and Township Trustee.
Besides his immediate family, he leaves to mourn his him a son-in-law, Floyd Murray, , a grandson, Robert Murray, a daughter-in-law Janice Hardenbrook all of Albion, a sister, Mrs. Blanche Winebrenner, of Bemiji, Minn., two brothers, Jay, of Milwaukee, Wis., and Guy of Albion, a half-brother, Ruel, of Denver, Colo. a half sister, Mrs. Anna E. Raub, of Allen Twp., and a host of friends without number.
Taps sounded for him at 11:30, Wed. March 9, 1932.
The funeral was held at the home on Fri. March 11, 1932, 2:00 p.m. conducted by Rev. B. O. Nysewander. Internment at Albion.
May 1935
Obituary of Frank W. Cole
Albion, May 24, 1935. Frank Weldon Cole, 66, who operated a variety store here for 25 years despite the loss of his sight when a boy, died today of pneumonia and heart disease.
Mr. Cole was thoroughly acquainted with the town of Albion and carried on his business with apparent ease despite his affliction e waited upon customers in his store.
A native of Jefferson Twp., he was the son of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Cole. He gradually lost his sight following an illness when he was 7 years old.
Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Lucile Cole; a son, Ralph Cole, of Brainard, Minn; five sisters, Mrs. Frank Munk, of Kendallville; Mrs. Martha Slabuagh of Ligonier; Mrs. Geo. Wadsworth of Pittsburgh, Pa.,; Mrs. Nellie Wiley of Ft. Wayne and Miss Bertha Cole of Englewood, Colo.; four brothers, Elmer of Albion; Prentice of Hamilton, Mo.; William, of Wolf Lake and Lloyd (possibly Floyd) of Wolcottville.
Funeral services will be held at 2:00 p.m., Monday at the Presbyterian Church with Revs. B. F. Richer and K. B. McCoy officiating. Burial in Albion cemetery.
May 1935
Obituary of Jerome Kilgore
Jerome Kilgore, No. Co., succumbs on Decoration Day
Albion, May 31, 1935-Funeral services for Jerome Kilgore, 94, Civil War Vet who died at his home in Washington Twp. late Thursday will be held at 2:00 p.m. Sunday at the Stringtown church with Rev. Lusk officiating. Mr. Kilgore was born in Ohio and came to this Co. immediately after the Civil War. He is survived by two sons, Jacob of Ft. Wayne and Frank of Washington Township.
January 1936
Obituary of Jacob Lindsey
Jacob Lindsey, 71, former Noble Co. official, succumbs at Albion.
Jan. 20, 1936 Jacob Lindsey died at his home here today following an illness of four months. Mr. Lindsey was a native of Green Township where he served several years as Twp. assessor. He also served twelve Yrs. As Co. assessor. He was an active Democrat.
Surviving are the widow, four daughters, Mrs. Orval McGuire, Mrs. Alma Talbert, Mrs. Beatrice Barcus and Mrs. Madeline Mock, all of Noble county, and a Bro. Oscar, of Merriam. Funeral services will be held Wed. p.m. at 2 o’clock at the Albion Lutheran Church with burial in Albion cemetery.
July 1936
Obituary of Arthur Larson
Larson Rites
Funeral For Albion Banker who died suddenly
Albion, Jul7 17, 1936. Funeral services of Arthur W. Larson, 43, cashier of the Albion Natl. Bank for several years, who died at this home of a heart attack Wed., will be held Sat. at 3:00 p.m. at his home with burial in the Albion cemetery. Mr. Larson had been in failing health for two years.
Surviving are the widow, two children, Johanna and Alexander, at home; the mother and two sister, Miss Helen Larson of Ligonier and Mrs. Fair of Goshen.
September 1936
Obituary of Frank F. Cook
Rome City, Sept. 17, 1936. Frank F. Cook, 81, well-known resident of Rome City, who died at his home here Wed. night after a long illness, will be buried Sat. A.M. in Albion, his former home.
The funeral services will be held at 10:00 A.M. Sat. at the Bonham funeral home in Albion. Burial will be in the Albion cemetery.
Mr. Cook was born n Albion, the son of Dr. Samuel L. and Caroline Nisbett Cook. He was a painter and decorator and was employed for 35 years in the Mercantile store at Albion. He was married nearly 59 years ago to Blanche McMahon of Albion. The widow survives with two daughters, Mrs. Nell Richard of Rome City and Mrs. Daisy Simon of Avilla; four grandchildren and seven great grandchildren
July 1938
Obituary of Martin C. Beck
Albion-July 2, 1938 Martin C/ Beck, 70, druggist here for 50 years, died this morning at his home here. Surviving are the widow and one sister, Mrs. Melissa Smith of Albion. Funeral services will be held at 4 p.m. Monday at the Bonham funeral home here with Rev. G. H. Bachelor officiating. The Masonic lodge will have charge of the services. Burial will be in the Albion cemetery. (Mr. Beck was a brother-in-law of Ed Eagles)
Obituary of Emma Hindman
Albion-July 2, 1938-Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Hindman, 89, former resident of Wolf Lake, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Maude Braden of 1515 St. Mary’s Ave, Ft. Wayne, will be held at 2 p.m. Sun. at the M. E. church here with burial in the Kimmell cemetery. The daughter and fours sons survive.
September 1938
Obituary of Eli River
Albion, Sept. 25, 1938- Eli River, former resident of Albion area, died Fri. at Long Beach, Cal. The body will be returned here Tues. and funeral services will be held Wed. at 10:30 a.m. at Christian Chapel, near here, with Rev. Carl Baldwin officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Three sons survive.
(Eli River built the brick house about ½ mile S. of Burr Oak and lived there many years before going to Cal.)
February 1939
Obituary of Orle Barnum
Feb. 4, 1939. Orle Barnum (cousin of the circus man) 88, pioneer resident of Noble County, died at 9:15 last night at the home of a granddaughter, Mrs. Margaret Foster, 1815 Short Street. Death was attributed to the infirmities of old age.
Mr. Barnum’s father settled near Albion 100 years ago. He farmed in the area until 10 years ago, when he came to Ft. Wayne to live. Survivors include eight other grandchildren. His son Clarence preceded him in death 2 years ago. The body will be taken to the Bonhum funeral home at Albion.
Funeral services will be held at 2:00 p.m. Tues. at the Bonhum funeral home in Albion with Rev. R. J. Burns officiating. Pallbearers will be grandsons. Interment will be in the Rose Hill cemetery at Albion.
(Mr. Barnum lived north of Albion opposite the Ponderosa)