1960s Newspaper Clippings


February 1965

Obituary of Mrs. Pauline Haas

Mrs. Pauline Haas, aged 109, Noble county’s oldest citizen and perhaps the oldest in the state, passed away Feb. 10, 1965, in the home she and her late husband had build 80 yrs ago, north east of Albion.

Born Pauline Lutkey, on Oct. 20, 1855, in Germany and was married to August Haas in Germany in 1874. She came to this country with her husband and two children, while in her early 20’s. They were the parents of nine children, six of them survive. Mr. Haas died in 1933 at the age of 83. A widowed daughter, Mrs. Julia Muessumg of Coventry road, Kendallville has cared for her mother the past seven years. Before that Mrs. Haas kept for herself and her son John and was spry and active, then but after breaking her hip in a fall she became bedfast.

Other survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Stein, and Mrs. Sprandel, of Kendallville and Walter of Albion and Gust of Kendallville. 16 grandchildren, ? great grandchildren and 5 great great grandchildren.

November 1965

Obituary of Dr. J. R. Nash

Nov. 24, 1965 at Parkview Hospital in Ft. Wayne at 3:55 p.m. following a illness of three weeks, the immediate cause of death being ascribed to uremia.

Dr. Nash was born in Belvidere, Ill Aug 8, 1901 and was past 64 years old. After serving his internship at South Bend, he came to Albion in 1931 and had practice here for 34 years.

Dr. Nash was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Nash. He is survived by his wife, Gladys; one daughter Mrs. Dale Shultz of Albion, and one son, Ronald of South Bend; one Bro., S. W. of Belvidere, Ill., and eight grandchildren.

Dr. Nash was a member of the Albion M. E. Church, the Masonic Lodge, Rotary International, Eastern Star, Scottish Rite, Ft. Wayne Shrine, Royal Society, Pres. of No. Co. Medical Society, member of the Ind. State Medical Society, A.M.A., Am. Association of General Practitioners and was No. Co. Health Commissioner.

Last rites were held at 2:00 p.m. Sat. Nov. 27th with Rev. Jual Evans officiating. Interment was in Rose Hill Cemetery, Albion.

With the passing of Dr. Nash every family in the Albion community will feel as we do: That they have lost a man who was as near being a member of their family as anyone not a blood relative can be. He has been our family physican since he began his Albion practice. But, above all else, we have been able to place him among our closest friends. He has always given us of his best in friendship and in medical attention – just as he did with all with whom he came in contact. Who could ask for more? In his passing we know we have lost one of our community’s  most important assets and, with and in behalf of all our people, we extend to his family our most sincere sympathy. We share their grief with them.

Noble County American



May 1967

Obituary of John V. Singleton

John V. Singleton aged about 83 (he was born Nove 15, 1883) passed away at the McCray Hospital at Kendallville, Fri. May 26, 1967 at 6:40 a. m. He had been in failing health for a long time and had been a patient at the hospital for only ten days.

Mr. Singleton was born in Adams Co., Ind. And came to Albion in 1914 and until his illness had been active as an outstanding auctioneer. He was a very public-spirited gentleman and had served the people of the county four terms as sheriff. He was first elected in 1924, and took office Jan 1, 1926. He was elected to this second term thus serving to January 1, 1930. He was again chosen for the office in 1942, took office January 1, 19444 and served his second two terms, ending his service January 1, 1948.

He was a son of William and Abigall (Warner) Singleton.

Surviving are the widow, Edith, three sons, John W. and Hubert of Albion, and Arthur of South Bend; seven daughters, Mrs. Erma Strong and Mrs. Gloria Portness of Albion, Mrs. Lelah Walters, of Orange Colorado, Mrs. Phyllis Braa of Powell, Wyoming, Mrs. Helen Harries, Lake Charles, Louisiana, Mrs. Edith Welling, Midway, Penn., and Mary Rose Stauffer of Fort Wayne; 31 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren; two brothers, Jesse and Macy, one sister Letitia preceded him in death.

Funeral services were held at 1:30 p.m. Monday, May 29th, at the First Methodist church of Albion, with the pastor Rev. Jual Evans officiating. Interment in Rose Hill cemetery.

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