Probate cases
Case Number Court Filing Date | Case Parties Case Type |
57C01-8901-ES-000001 Noble Circuit Court 5 Jan 1989 | Helen Ball, Estate Trittipo, Ball ES - Estate, Supervised |
57C01-9302-ES-000015 Noble Circuit Court 20 Jan 1989 | Thomas Hite Estate Hite ES - Estate, Supervised |
57D01-8901-GU-000001 Noble Superior Court 1 23 Jan 1989 | Guardianship Of Courtney Kaye Bobay /Attorney Randy W Young Bobay GU - Guardianship |
57C01-8902-GU-000006 Noble Circuit Court 14 Feb 1989 | Christophe G Seely Gdshp Seely GU - Guardianship |
57C01-8902-GU-000007 Noble Circuit Court 14 Feb 1989 | Robin Brown Gdshp Brown, Brown Scriber Susan Scriber GU - Guardianship |
57C01-8902-GU-000010 Noble Circuit Court 27 Feb 1989 | Gertrude Lipsky Gdshp Lipsky, Michalak GU - Guardianship |
57D01-8903-GU-000004 Noble Superior Court 1 20 Mar 1989 | Guardianship Of Tiffany Dawn Ream /Attorney Paul A Barcus Ream GU - Guardianship |
57C01-9503-ES-000028 Noble Circuit Court 27 Mar 1989 | Catharine Kiser Estate Mathew, Kiser ES - Estate, Supervised |
57C01-8904-GU-000015 Noble Circuit Court 6 Apr 1989 | Priscilla VIncent Gdshp Vincent, Lash GU - Guardianship |
57C01-9804-ES-000032 Noble Circuit Court 16 Apr 1989 | Ellen Franks Estate Det Tax, Franks ES - Estate, Supervised |
57C01-8905-GU-000018 Noble Circuit Court 10 May 1989 | Artie Decamp Gdshp Decamp, Wood, Addis, Guthrie GU - Guardianship |
57C01-8906-GU-000021 Noble Circuit Court 13 Jun 1989 | Robert Wappes Gdshp Wappes GU - Guardianship |
57D01-8906-ES-000006 Noble Superior Court 1 14 Jun 1989 | Charles Kinnison Estate Elser, Kinnison ES - Estate, Supervised |
57C01-8906-GU-000023 Noble Circuit Court 15 Jun 1989 | April White Gdshp White GU - Guardianship |
57C01-8907-ES-000066 Noble Circuit Court 11 Jul 1989 | Arthur Winston Estate Winston ES - Estate, Supervised |
57C01-8907-ES-000069 Noble Circuit Court 24 Jul 1989 | Geraldine Flanigan Estate Flanigan ES - Estate, Supervised |
57C01-9602-ES-000009 Noble Circuit Court 19 Aug 1989 | Irving Button Estate Button ES - Estate, Supervised |
57C01-8909-ES-000085 Noble Circuit Court 5 Sep 1989 | Victoria Harts Estate Garringer, Harts ES - Estate, Supervised |
57C01-8909-ES-000089 Noble Circuit Court 22 Sep 1989 | Charles Magers Estate Gaerte, Magers ES - Estate, Supervised |
57C01-8910-GU-000037 Noble Circuit Court 30 Oct 1989 | Ryan Applegate Gdshp Applegate, McClellan GU - Guardianship |
57D01-8911-GU-000010 Noble Superior Court 1 10 Nov 1989 | Olive Tustison Gdshp Tustison, None, Schrock, Grimm GU - Guardianship |
57C01-8911-GU-000038 Noble Circuit Court 13 Nov 1989 | Brandon Lee Chase Guardianship Chase GU - Guardianship |
57C01-8911-ES-000113 Noble Circuit Court 30 Nov 1989 | Glee Houser, Estate Boner, Houser ES - Estate, Supervised |
57C01-8912-GU-000039 Noble Circuit Court 6 Dec 1989 | Willie Bernero Gdshp Bernero, Whitenack GU - Guardianship |
57C01-9805-ES-000041 Noble Circuit Court 11 Dec 1989 | Martin Luke Estate Hippensteel, Luke ES - Estate, Supervised |
57C01-8912-ES-000118 Noble Circuit Court 18 Dec 1989 | Carl Houser Estate Parker, Houser ES - Estate, Supervised |
57C01-9505-ES-000040 Noble Circuit Court 22 Dec 1989 | Theodore Spannagel Estate Only, Spannagel ES - Estate, Supervised |