Cemeteries of Allen, Green, Jefferson and
Swan Townships
of Noble County, Indiana
Volume 4
Allen Chapel |
Allen | 2 | northwest corner CR 100E and 500N | Yes | |
Avilla |
Allen | 34 | northeast Albion and Cherry Streets in town of Avilla | Yes | |
Bethlehem |
Swan | 15 | south side of Swan Road 1.4 miles of old SR 3 | Yes | |
Fulk |
Swan | 31 | 0.2 mile south of CR 500S, 150 yards west of CR 700E NO ACCESS PERMISSION REQUIRED FROM LAND OWNER | No | Yes |
Gragg |
Swan | 7 | small family burial plot on west side of CR 650E 1/10 mile north of Hopewell Road | No | Yes |
Gray |
Green | 27 | along a lane 1/4 mile south of CR 400 was on William Gray farm | No | Yes |
Hooper or King |
Swan | 4 | west side of CR 900E 2/10 mile north of Hopewell Road or 8/10 mile south of Baseline Road | Yes | |
Hopewell |
Swan | 8 | northeast corner of CR 700E and Hopewell Road | Yes | |
Huckleberry |
Green | 24 | Location Only | ||
Immaculate Conception or Ege |
Swan | 29 | south side of CR 400S 3/10 mile east of CR 700E in Ege | Yes | Yes |
Immanuel Lutheran |
Allen | off old SR 3 south of SR 8, 3 1/2 Miles South of Kendallville, only 1 stone for Mrs. Elizabeth Lozier leaning against a tree | No | Yes | Lisbon |
Allen | 9 | south side of CR 415N 2/10 miles west of SR 3 | Yes |
Mt. Pleasant |
Jefferson | 24 | west side of CR 600E, 4/10 mile south of SR 8 | Yes | |
Rehoboth |
Jefferson | 28 | southeast corner CR 175N and 125N | Yes | |
Sacred Heart Home |
Allen | 28 | 3/10 mile south of CR 200N on west side of CR 900E | Yes | |
Simon |
Swan | 17 | former family burial plot 200 feet west of the southwest corner of CR 775E and 250S, no visible stones | No | Yes |
St. Mary's Catholic |
Allen | 27 | east side of Old SR 3, 6/10 mile north of SR 8 at town of Avilla | Yes | |
Swan |
Swan | 13 | northeast corner of CR 300S and Old SR 3 | Yes | |
Sweet |
Jefferson | 9 | southeast corner CR 300E and 415N across from Sweet Church, north of Skinner Lake | Yes | Yes |