S Names in Chappell's Mortuary Records
Court Docket of C. C. Bodley and Schools

Chappell's Mortuary Records, Court Docket of C. C. Bodley and Schools. This book was compiled by Mrs. H. G. Misselhorn, Kendallville, Indiana, probably in the mid 1930’s. A copy of the book is found in the Kendallville Public Library, Kendallville, Indiana and the Noble County Public Library, Indiana Room, Albion, Indiana.

The book contains:

  1. Mortuary records from Chappell's Funeral Home, 1918-1922, Kendallville, Indiana (pp. 1-83)
  2. Court Docket of C. C. Bodley, 1845-1855, Salem Center, Steuben County, Indiana (pp. 84-303)
  3. History of Holsinger School, LaGrange County, Indiana, a personal account of days at the school by Lucetta McCormick Redmond (pp. 304-310)
  4. Lisbon School, Noble County, Indiana, a personal account by Frank L. Crone (pp. 311-315)
  5. York Township Schools in Noble County, Indiana, legal papers and instruments, listing some trustees, students, and history by Mrs. Maude Wright Magill (pp. 316-330)

All-name index of people: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, Y, Z

To obtain a copy of the page(s), please send $3.00 + 10¢ per page and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
Noble County Genealogical Society
Attn: Judy Richter
P.O. Box 162
Albion, IN  46701
Any questions/comments, please email:  judyri@ligtel.com 

Name Page Number(s)
Salen, Eliza 41
Sammerlan, charles N 276
Sayles, Esther 75
Schalk, Frederick 23
Scheffler 304
Scheffler, Emanuel 310
Scheffler, Emma 310
Scheffler, John 305
Schmerhorn, John 304
Schmuck, Catherene Bauer 61
Schmuck, Frederick 61
Schuyler, Elizabeth 20
Scovill, Mary J 7
Sederlant, H 245
Sederlant, J 244,245
Sellen, Sarah Jane 321
Shaefstall, Adam 243
Shaffstall, Christian 219,220
Shafstall, Christianna 243
Sharon, Cons 244
Sharon, N J 243
Sharon, W J 243
Sharow, Constable 291
Sharow, W J 243
Sharow, William  289
Sharow, William I 195,257,264,268,270,290,297
Sharow, William J 252
Sharow, Wm 259
Sharow, Wm I 287,292,293,294,299,300
Sharrow, William I 246
Sharrow, William J 254
Sharrow, Wm D 278
Shatto, Adam 279,281
Shawos, Wm I 270
Shearow, William I 268
Shedrum, Anne 22
Sheridan, P J 34
Sheridan, P J Mrs 34
Sherley, Christian 76
Sherley, Christine Ruckenberg 76
Sherley, Elizabeth 76
Shermon, Dean 259
Sherrow, William I 279,280,286
Shew, Benjamin 317
Shew, Joseph 319
Shimpff, Charles 270
Shipe, Cecil 45
Shipe, Della Hartman 45
Shipe, Helen L 45
Shoefstall, Christian 272
Short, Philip 245
Shott, Adam 278
Shoup, Lewis Mrs 40
Shull, Ada Wentworth 52
Shull, Charles H 52
Shull, Henry C 52
Shull, Leonora Palmer 52
Shumway 85
Sill, Mina 65
Simmons, Cephus 248
Simmons, Sephus 248
Singery, Anna E Foster 5
Singery, Jacob 5
Singery, John P 5
Singery, Sarah Cockley 5
Singrey, Anna E 58
Singrey, John P 58
Slaybaugh, Michael 145
Slaybough, Michael 128,144
Slayman, Mary 47
Sleck, Daniel 234
Slick, D 98,154,165,180
Slick, Daniel 93,112,137,141,142,
Slick, Daniel 167,168,169,171,173,179,180,187,188,189,
Slick, David 131,181
Slick, Holister 200
Slick, John 98,99,105,106,166,167,177,178
Slough, Elizabeth Cole 43
Slough, Ida A 43
Slough, William 43
Smith, Adams 20
Smith, Bert 33
Smith, C Nora Poytner 32
Smith, Elizabeth Dauran 37
Smith, Elizabeth Davisin 37
Smith, Ellen Mitchell 20
Smith, Essie W 37
Smith, Florence M Rhinehart 40
Smith, Frank 36
Smith, Hoit 93
Smith, Hoyt 229,230
Smith, Mary 74
Smith, Minnie Esther Harder 16
Smith, Rhoda 39
Smith, Robert 36
Smith, Rosella 36
Smith, S E 10,43
Smith, Samuel 16
Smith, Sarah Todd 20
Smith, William 20
Smith, William J 37
Snyder, Eliza Salen 41
Snyder, George R 42
Snyder, James D 41
Snyder, James D Rev 41
Snyder, Margaret 38,42
Sonday, David 203
Soule, Darwin 64
Soule, Ellen Clement 64
Soule, G F 64
Soule, George 64
Spangle, Daniel 318
Spangler, Rev 55,61,67,77
Spears, H K 7
Spears, Louis 7
Spears, Mary J Scovill 7
Spears, Matilda E 7
Spencer, G W 63
Spencer, Rosa Luella 63
Spice, Charlota A Faux 34
Spice, John S 34
Stage, Melissa 46
Stahl, Lena 59
Starmer, Eveline 49
Steadman, Charles I 284
Steadman, Charles T 191
Steadman, George T 191
Steatler, Rev 22
Stedman, Charles T 124,179,180
Stedman, George T 179,180
Steele, M F 75
Stein, Frederick 260
Steman, George T 175
Stemand, George T 174
Stevenson, Ida 310
Stewart, H M Mrs 79
Stockdale, Maria 34
Stoehr, Catherine M 31
Stone, May 32
Stoops, Lizzie 324
Storey, Orsan B 280
Storey, Orson B 278,280,281
Storey, Owen B 278
Storey, Willard 200
Story, Augustus 270
Story, Orson B 279,282
Story, Willard 86
Stout, Aron 259
Stout, George 128
Stout, Henry 128,131,132
Strack, C A 23
Strater, Harriett Arehart 36
Strater, William 36,37
Stroff, H O 18
Stuart, Alfred 159,161
Sturgis, Mark 310
Styer, Amanda 15
Summers, Eliza 83
Sumption, R Mrs 31
Surface, Charity 41
Sutherland, C 102
Sutherland, James C 193
Sutherland, Jerome 195
Sutherland, Jerome W 235
Sutherland, John 195,195,199,205,208
Sutherland, Justice 216
Sutherland, Justus 123,129,172,196,202,238,239,284
Sutherland, N C 101,106,132,150,161,190,230,232
Sutherland, N CC 199
Sutherland, N E 105,123
Sutherland, Norman 100,101,102,159,161,219
Sutherland, Norman C 99,107,108,117,232
Sutherland, William G 194
Sutherland, William J 128
Sweet, S L 296,297
Swiger, Christopher 108,109
Switzer, Eugene D 7
Switzer, Eugene D Mrs 6
Swogger, Cordelia Bloomfield 30
Swogger, Maggie 48
Swogger, Mary Aileen 69
Swogger, Sarah Piatt 30,48
Swogger, Warren 1,30
Swogger, Wash 48
Swogger, Wathington 30

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