C Names in Clippings 1872 to 1875

Clippings 1872 to 1875 is a collection of articles printed in the Albion New Era newspaper from 1872 to 1875.

Mr. S. E. Alvord collected the articles and pasted them on pages. Included are obituaries and numerous news articles.

All-name index of people: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z

To obtain a copy of the page(s), please send $3.00 and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
Noble County Genealogical Society
Attn: Judy Richter
P.O. Box 162
Albion, IN  46701
Any questions/comments, please email:  judyri@ligtel.com 

Last Name Given Name Page Number
Caldwell 14,18
Cadwell Richard 311
Call John 162,164,245
Campbell James A 341
Carey Abram 244
Carlos Don 127
Carney John 235
Carothers Henry P 162,164,245,271
Carothers J M 234
Carothers James M 245
Carothers Madison 271
Carpenter Matt 91
Carr G W, Dr 316
Carter 354
Cary Abram 162
Cary William 106
Case Charles 151,298
Case Charley 286
Cass General 250
Castle J G 277
Cautborn Messr 7
Cavin Hugh 216,217
Cavin Isaac 135,216,217
Cazier M H 321
Cazier Murray 213,311
Chaffee 244
Chamberlain Ebenezer M 269,279,281
Chamberlain Judge 284
Chamberlain E M 284
Chambers R 244
Champlin Erastus 272
Champlin James 272
Champlin Lyman 272
Champlin William 272
Chancy Elihu 186
Chandler Zach 85
Chapin A A 311,312,341
Chapman J P 277
Chapman Messr 50
Chester Charity 321
Childs John 294
Christancy Judge 91
Christoffel Charles L 329
Cladin Tennie C 3
Clapp 31,156,157,235,242,
Clapp 244,254,257,259,314,
Clapp 340,350
Clapp Auditor 349
Clapp Judge 24,32A,55,112,
Clapp Judge 306,311,312,313
Clapp Mary A, Mrs 310
Clapp Mrs 131
Clapp W Frank 104
Clapp W M 250
Clapp William C 243
Clapp William M 131,234,237,240,249,
Clapp William M 250B,251,258,259,260,
Clapp William M 266,284,285,286,288
Clapp William M 289,296,297,
Clapp William M 303,305,311
Clark 285
Clark George F 262,302
Clark James A 215
Clark James J 172
Clark Matthias 311
Clark Messr 7
Clark Miss 306
Clark Rosannah 310
Clark W H, Dr 50
Clark William H, Dr 285
Clark William, Dr 110,235,242,303
Clark William, Mrs 110
Clay Henry 250
Claypool Messr 7
Clayton Wilber 320
Clifton 324A
Cline Messr 7
Clingerman J W 263
Clucas Charles 327
Clymer 254,260,266,333
Clymer S T 234,235,240
Clymer Samuel T 167,246
Cobb Messr 7
Coburn John 74
Cochran Nancy 211
Coffinberry D P 286
Coffman Messr 7
Cogswell George B, Dr 17
Colbeck Isabel 340
Cole 94
Cole John 244
Cole Messr 7
Coleman 184
Colerick 323
Colerick J A 234
Colerick John 266
Colerick John A 244,246,253,254,259, 266
Colerick Mary 266
Colerick Mary Ann 266
Colerick Mary Marie 266
Colerick Treasurer 349
Colerick William 266
Colfax 11
Colfax Schuyler 133,276,277
Colgrove J 50,312
Collins James S 288,297
Collins Samuel H 258
Colvin Samuel 184
Conkling John 258
Conlogue J B 341
Conlogue J S 235
Conlogue Joseph B 214
Conner Cynthia Ann 264
Cook Frank 104,305
Cook Mr 306
Cook S L, Dr 104,106,316,321
Cook  Caroline 310
Cooke Henry D, Gov 30A
Coon Jane 194
Coon Michael 234
Coon William J 307
Copper 338
Coquillard Alexis 219,222
Correll Mary 263
Correll Mary J 259
Correll Samuel 259,263
Corwin Tom 108
Corwin W 272
Cosgrove Elkanah 360
Cosgrove John 355,360
Cosgrove Malinda 360
Cosper George 2
Cosper George W 31
Cosper John 189
Cosper Martha M 189
Cosper Mary, Mrs 189
Covell L 312
Cox David 16
Cox Dr 243
Cox J C 234,235
Cox J D 318
Cox J W 235
Cox James W 255
Cox James W, Dr 242
Cox John C 240
Cox Joseph 73
Cox Joseph S 70,318
Cox W J 321
Cox William H 213
Crabbs James 275
Cramer Arthur 323
Cramer Conrad 135
Cramer Emma 323
Crance John 217
Craven Abagail J Potts 191
Craven Henry L 191
Craven Mrs 192
Cravens James H 288
Credit Nathan 272
Crispell Ann M 319
Crispell Mrs 319
Crispell William 234,244,319
Crittenden Col 6
Crocker Mr 80
Crofoot Arch 235
Crofoot Archibald 162,171,289,294
Crogwill Messr 7
Cromwell Oliver 209
Crone John 310,311
Cronise Nettie W 19
Crook General 20
Crosset Henry 233,235
Crothers H P 234
Crowl George, Jr. 242
Crumpacker Messr 7
Culp 262
Culveyhouse W, Rev 7
Cummins John 271
Cunningham James 311
Cunningham Mike 316
Curry W F 307
Curry W W 73
Cutler 124

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