G Names in Clippings 1872 to 1875

Clippings 1872 to 1875 is a collection of articles printed in the Albion New Era newspaper from 1872 to 1875.

Mr. S. E. Alvord collected the articles and pasted them on pages. Included are obituaries and numerous news articles.

All-name index of people: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z

To obtain a copy of the page(s), please send $3.00 and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
Noble County Genealogical Society
Attn: Judy Richter
P.O. Box 162
Albion, IN  46701
Any questions/comments, please email:  judyri@ligtel.com 
Last Name Given Name Page Number
Gaby Timothy 31
Galloway James C 195
Galloway Rachel Roher 195
Gallup J L 329
Gandy W S 323,324
Gants 354
Gappinger 243,245
Gappinger John 286,303
Gard Caleb 193,194
Gard Christina M Shultz 193
Garrett 94
Gay Washington 272
Geiger Thomas 271
Geisendorff George W 306
Gerber Carrie 204
Gerber Daniel B 204
Gerber E B 50,208,369
Gerber Earle 204
Gerber Elizabeth Morrell 203,204
Gerber Mr 132
Gerber R B 214
Gerber S B 369
Gibson Adam G 183,184
Gibson Elizabeth Tibbot 183
Gilbert Dr 316
Gilbson J C 235
Gilchrist John 244,244A
Gilchrist John B 311
Gill Abraham 319
Gillespie Simeon 245
Gillet Mary 323
Gillet Sarah 323
Gillet Stephen 323
Gillett Mrs 205
Gillett Susan B Skinner 204
Gillett William H 204
Given Messr 7
Glascow Messr 7
Glatte G C 50
Glatte George 329
Glazebrook Messr 7
Glessner Mr 12
Glover J B 73
Gloyd George W 192
Gloyd Matilda 192
Gloyd Sarah E 192
Gloyd William 192
Goble Messr 7
Golden William 271
Goodwin L E 312,341
Gorton P C 271
Goudie Messr 7
Gould 15
Gower Dr 148, 148A
Gower J Z, Dr 66
Grable "Hod" 156
Gradon Israel 235
Gragg Colbert 343
Graham A H 73
Graham John A 276
Graham William A 279
Grant President 18,36,115
Grant 2,72,81,89,111,16
Graves T L 265,305,312,341
Graves Thomas L 265
Grawcock John 213
Gray B P, Mrs 321
Gray Frank P 321
Gray Samuel 271
Gray Stedman 244,320
Greeley 2
Greeley Horace 5,277
Greely Horace 333,339
Green D W 305,341
Green L H 312
Green Mary 212
Greenman James 305,310
Greenman 350
Greenway Henry 258
Greenway Smith 258
Gregory Messr 7
Gregory Mr 67
Gregory Rev 192
Griffith Eliza 258
Griffith Parris 258
Grifford Messr 7
Groh Bill 40,73A
Groh William 315
Gronendyke Messr 7
Grubb John 245
Grumlich Henry H 258
Guild Jonathan 244
Gunder George W 263
Gunnett P 234
Gunnett Philip 245
Guthrie John 73,318

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