1882 ALTAR - The Ligonier Leader
The Ligonier Leader - 1882 newspaper gleanings - Altar, Cradle, Letter List, and Roll of Honor
January 1-5, 1882
ROGERS—DEAHL—At the residence of and by J. S. Schrock, on Friday, Dec. 30th, 1882, Mr. James Rogers and Miss Mary Deahl, both of Elkhart county.
Mr. Rogers has been successful in this Deahl and it is possible that the happy pair may be blessed with a new Deahl occasionally, to smooth the rough places along lifes rugged pathway.
MARKER—MINOR—On Sunday evening, Jan. 1st, 1882, at the residence of M. Y. Smith, by Rev. J. E. Irvin, Mr. Geo. C. Marker and Miss Eva M. MInor, all of Ligonier
An infair was held at the residence of Mathias Marker on Monday, participated in mainly by relatives, among whom was that capital fellow, Henry Marker of Sparta township. A very enjoyable time was had and all joined in wishing the new couple abundance of happiness and prosperity.
RICE—LATTA—On Thursday evening, Dec. 29th, 1881, at the residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. J. E. Irvin, Mrs. Jesse A. Rice and Miss Wenona F. Latta, all of Ligonier, Ind.
Quite a company of relatives and young friends were present on the above occasion and the young couple have the well wishes of their many friend. They held a reception at the residence of J. M. Belts on Monday evening, which was largely attended, and enjoyed by all.
February 9, 1882
THOMAS—HOFFMAN—On Wednesday, Feb. 1st, 1882, at the residence of Mr. Geo. Feriney, in Chambersburg, Pa., by the same, Mrs. R. D. Thomas of the Haw-Patch and Miss Emma J. Hoffman, of New York.
Mrs. Thomas and his bride returned last Wednesday, and are now residents of the Haw-Patch.
March 9, 1882
CALBECK—WILLIAMSON—On Tuesday, March 7, 1882, at the residence of the bride’s mother, by Rev. J. E. Ervin, Mr. Lewis Calbeck and Miss Mary L. Williamson. All of Noble county.
June 29, 1882
HOUSE-COLE—At the residence of and by E. D. Messimore, Esq., June 25, 1882 at Cromwell. Mrs. William House and Miss Lydia A. Cole, All of Noble county.
NORTHAM—HARRISOM—By Elder A. F. Dempsey, at the Wesleyan Methodist parsonage, in Ligonier, June 26th, 1882. Mrs. Geo. W. Northam and Miss Bertha V. Harrison, both of Albion, Noble county, Ind.
October 12, 1882
GALBRETH—WOLF—At the residence of Mr. Emmett, by Rev. J. Simons, on Thursday, Oct. 5th, 1882, Mr. Wm. Galbreth of Rolling Prairie and Miss Sarah E. Wolf of Ligonier.
PEOPLES—COY—On Wednesday, Oct. 11th, 1882, at the M. C. parsonage by Rev. J. E. Ervin, M. L. Peoples to Miss Libbie Coy, both of New Paris, Ind.
November 9, 1882
HERRICK—GANDY—Married at the residence of the bride’s parents in Sparta township by the Rev. Wm. Hosier, Mrs. James Herrick to Miss Ida Gandy, both of Noble county.
November 30, 1882
PERRY—HARSH—At the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harsh on Wednesday evening, Nov. 22, 1882, by Rev. J. E. Ervin, Mrs. E. H. Perry and Miss Ida Harsh, both of Ligonier.
The occasion was an enjoyable one and the happy couple start out upon life’s sea with the best wishes of their many friends for their future success. A number of invited guests principally relatives and near friends were present to witness the ceremony and extend congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Perry were the recipients of a number of useful and valuable presents, among which was a handsome china tea set, and articles of silver.
JACKSON—SEITZ—At Albion, Ind., on Wednesday, Nov. 22, 1882 by Rev. Mr. Barr, Mr. Chas. Jackson and Miss Sarah P. Seitz both of Ligonier. May their cup of joy be full is the wish of their friends, to which The Leader heartily joins.
December 7, 1882
LOCK—TILLAPAUGH—On Sunday evening Dec 3, 1882, at the residence of Henry Knepper, by Rev. J. E. Erwin, Mrs. Wm. V. Lock of Dark county, Ohio to Miss Lida M. Tillapaugh of Noble county, Indiana
We acknowledge a bountiful supply of very excellent cake; and must say that if the bride is as proficient in other duties as she is in the art of cake making, Mr. Lock is to be congratulated upon the prize he has won. We heartily wish them success and happiness.
SLATER—SORG—At the residence of the bride’s parents near Ligonier, Noble Co, Ind, Dec 30, 1882, by Rev. J. Simons, Mrs. William Slater of Ligonier, and Miss Electa E Sorg.
JUDAY—STOCKER—At the home of the bride near Indian Village, Noble county, Nov. 30, 1882, by Elder J. F. Bartmess of Buchanan, Mich., Mr. Samuel J. Juday of Elkhart county and Miss Sarah A. Stocker of Noble county. [Goshen papers, please copy]
December 28, 1882
VON STEEN—MC KIBBINS—At the residence of G. B. Boller in Elkhart township on Thursday, Dec 21, 1882, by Rev. John Frank of Elkhart, Mr. J. H. VanSteen of Nebraska, to Miss Mary McKibbens of Elkhart township
PRICE—WYSONG—By Rev. J. Simons at his residence, Dec. 24, 1882, Mr. Levi Price of Elkhart county, to Miss Lillie F. Wysong of Noble county.
MASON—Galloway—At the residence of the bride’s parents near Cromwell, Dec. 24th, 1882 by Rev. J. Hartzel, Mr. Oscar Mason of Ohio, and Miss Lizzie Galloway.
ZIGLER—BRUMBAUGH—At the residence of P. Galloway, on Tuesday, Dec. 26th, 1882, by Rev. J. Hartzel, Mrs. Harvy Zigler and Miss Sadie Brumbuagh, both of Noble county.