1882 Cradle - The Ligonier Leader
The Ligonier Leader - 1882 newspaper gleanings - Altar, Cradle, Letter List, and Roll of Honor
CRADLE The Ligonier Leader
May 18, 1882
Born to the wife of W. W. Stage, May 8th, 1882, a girl, weight 5½ pounds
October 12, 1882
Born to the wife of Mat. Ruple, October 6th, a boy
Born to the wife of Tom Dunbar, October 10th, a boy
November 9, 1882
Born—Oct 30th 1882 to the wife of C. W. Piper, a girl
November 30, 1882
Born to the wife of Wm. Good, November 21, a boy
Born to the wife of Gus. Bush, November 25, a girl
Born to the wife of Ed. Johnson, November 26, boy — a republican boy we should say
Born November 10th to the wife of Peter Barnhart, a boy
Born November 14 to the wife of Patrick Summers of Perry Township, a boy
Born November 22 to the wife of Edward Mishler of Perry Township, a boy
December 8, 1882
Born to the wife of Moses Goshorn of the Haw-Patch, Dec. 13th, a girl