1882 ROLL OF HONORĀ - The Ligonier Leader
The Ligonier Leader - 1882 newspaper gleanings - Altar, Cradle, Letter List, and Roll of Honor
March 9, 1882
The following list are the names of the pupils of District No. 3, Perry township, who were neither absent nor tardy, for the month ending March 2, 1882
Etta McDewitt, Andrew Hough, Dema Crockett, Hulda Grimes, Nora Richmond, Lonzo Fizel, Edward McDevitt, Frances Grimes, Tillie Conrad, Carrie Demsey, Nelson Grimes, Charley McDevitt, Eddith Crockett, Blanch Guffey, Cora Crockett
The following were not tardy:
May Richmond, Frank McDevitt, Lizzie Benfer, Maud Billman, Ida Billman, Grace Guffey, Katie Billman, Frank Richmond, Lonzo Conrad, Elmer Hire, Charley Crockett, Oscar Growcock.
The following were not absent:
Ferdinand McNutt, Zoe Ott, Jacob McNutt, John Billman, Alice Cristie, Dollie Cristie
F. P. Gifford, Teacher